Decision details

South Australian Motor Sport Board Event Consultation - Adelaide 500 2024

Decision Maker: City Community Services and Culture Committee

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Significant decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


South Australian Motor Sport Board Event Consultation - Adelaide 500 2024




1.       Notes the Declaration of the proposed Declared Area, Declared Period and Prescribed Works Period for the purpose of conducting the 2024 VAILO Adelaide 500 event, as contained in this report.

2.       Authorises the Lord Mayor to write to the Chief Executive Officer of the South Australian Motor Sport Board on behalf of Council with its feedback to the consultation and provides the following feedback and advice:

2.1.    Requests the South Australian Motor Sport Board to notify and collaborate with adjacent and affected residents and businesses of the 2024 event, regarding any impacts to the Park Lands and roads, including changes to the Declared Area. 

2.2.    Seeks the South Australian Motor Sport Board to reduce the timeframe and footprint required for hosting this event in the future.

2.3.    Request further exploration to increase access to the bikeways and pathways and further promote access considerations, during the Prescribed Works Period.

2.4.    Request the South Australian Motorsport Board to convene a working group with CoA representatives to discuss approaches to minimise Park Lands occupation and maximise public access during the Prescribed Works Period, starting in 2024/25 ahead of the 2025 edition of the event.

2.5.    Encourages the development of a sustainability strategy by 2025 to reduce the carbon emissions for the VAILO Adelaide 500 event.

2.6.    Work collaboratively to pursue greening and tree canopy increase in Victoria Park/ Pakapakanthi (Park 16) in line with Council’s draft Master Plan. 

2.7.    Ensure the use of or the reinstatement of permeable pathways.

2.8.    Legacy infrastructure in keeping with the Victoria Park/ Pakapakanthi (Park 16) Master Plan and intentions of the Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy (APLMS).

2.9.    Request the removal of the revegetation conservation zone and the protected conservation zone from the Declared Area and provision of a conservation management plan to ensure the protection of the zones from damage and contamination.

2.10.  Requests clarification of the purpose of the yellow area as outlined in Link 2 of the report (Item 6.1. South Australian Motor Sport Board Consultation Adelaide 500 2024), immediately adjacent to Rundle Road. In the absence of a confirmed use, the area is removed from the Declared Area.

2.11. Seek further advice from Kadaltilla, if required, following a confidential briefing from the SA Motor Sport Board.

2.12. Seek clarification of the actual fenced area as distinct from the Declared area as a meaningful metric for the community.

3.       Notes the advice of Kadaltilla at its meeting on 23 May 2024 and that Kadaltilla will be providing a submission to the consultation.

Report author: Colette Keech

Publication date: 04/06/2024

Date of decision: 04/06/2024

Decided at meeting: 04/06/2024 - City Community Services and Culture Committee

Accompanying Documents: