Venue: Colonel Light Room, Adelaide Town Hall
Contact: Kadaltilla Advisor
No. | Item |
Welcome and Opening |
Presiding Member Report (verbal) |
Apologies |
Conflict of Interest |
Representations (verbal) |
Park Lands Leasing - Expressions of Interest PDF 2 MB Additional documents: |
Exclusion of the Public for Items requested to be considered in confidence PDF 219 KB |
Items for the Board in confidence |
Draft Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy (APLMS) |
Exclusion of the Public Moved by Deputy Lord Mayor, Councillor Snape, Seconded by Allison Bretones - THAT THE ADELAIDE PARK LANDS AUTHORITY: 1. Having taken into account the relevant considerations contained in Clause 4.8.21 of the Adelaide Park Lands Authority Charter and section 90(3) (i) and 90(2) & (7) of the Local Government Act 1999 (SA), this meeting of the Board of Kadaltilla / Park Lands Authority dated 22 February 2024 resolves that it is necessary and appropriate to act in a meeting closed to the public as the consideration of Item 10.2 [Carriageway Park / Tuthangga (Park 17) Earthen Levee Stormwater Management] listed on the Agenda in a meeting open to the public would on balance be contrary to the public interest. Grounds and Basis This Item contains information of a confidential nature, relating to actual litigation, or litigation that the council or council committee believes on reasonable grounds will take place, involving the council or an employee of the council and that the details, budget and timing of the project are still being resolved and the release of this information prematurely may be considered misleading. Public Interest The Kadaltilla / Park Lands Authority is satisfied that the principle that the meeting be conducted in a place open to the public has been outweighed in the circumstances because the disclosure of this information could reasonably be expected to prejudice the legal position and negotiation of Council with external parties. 2. Pursuant to section 90(2) of the Local Government Act 1999 (SA) (the Act), this meeting of Kadaltilla dated 22 February 2024 orders that the public (with the exception of members of Corporation staff and any person permitted to remain) be excluded from this meeting to enable this meeting to receive, discuss or consider in confidence Item 10.2 listed in the Agenda, on the grounds that such item of business, contains information and matters of a kind referred to in section 90(3) of the Act. Carried There were no members of the public and Corporation staff present not directly involved with Item 10.2 in the Colonel Light Room at 5:26pm.
Carriageway Park / Tuthangga (Park 17) Earthen Levee Stormwater Management |
Items for Board Discussion |
Items for Board Decision PDF 503 KB Additional documents: |
Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy (APLMS) Phase Three Engagement Plan PDF 453 KB Additional documents: |
Kadaltilla Business Plan and Budget 24/25 PDF 277 KB Additional documents: |
Kadaltilla budget and governance - A/Chief Operating Officer PDF 136 KB Additional documents: |
Rymill Park Kiosk – Lease Consultation Results PDF 876 KB Additional documents: |
City Dirt Workshop - City Dirt Concept Options PDF 171 KB Additional documents: |
Items for Noting |
Other Business |