Issue - decisions

Exclusion of the Public

05/03/2024 - Exclusion of the Public



1.       Having taken into account the relevant consideration contained in section 90(3) (j) and section 90(2) & (7) of the Local Government Act 1999 (SA), this meeting of the City Planning, Development and Business Affairs Committee dated 5 March 2024 resolves that it is necessary and appropriate to act in a meeting closed to the public as the consideration of Item 10.1 [Draft Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy (APLMS)] listed on the Agenda in a meeting open to the public would on balance be contrary to the public interest.

Grounds and Basis

This item contains material provided on a confidential basis which the State Government has requested be considered in confidence on the grounds that the details of the request are sensitive in nature and the release of this information prematurely may be misleading. The disclosure of information in this report could reasonably be expected to prejudice the position any negotiations between the City of Adelaide and the State Government.

Public Interest

The City Planning, Development and Business Affairs Committee is satisfied that the principle that the meeting be conducted in a place open to the public has been outweighed in the circumstances because the disclosure of information may result in release of information prior to the finalisation of the matter by the State Government and the City of Adelaide. The disclosure of this information may materially and adversely affect the viability of the matter and prejudice the ability of the parties to discuss/participate or influence a proposal for the benefit of the State Government, the City of Adelaide and the community in this matter which on balance would be contrary to the public interest.

2.       Pursuant to section 90(2) of the Local Government Act 1999 (SA) (the Act), this meeting of the City Planning, Development and Business Affairs Committee dated 5 March 2024 orders that the public (with the exception of members of Corporation staff and any person permitted to remain) be excluded from this meeting to enable this meeting to receive, discuss or consider in confidence Item 10.1 [Draft Adelaide Park Lands Management Strategy (APLMS)] listed in the Agenda, on the grounds that such item of business, contains information and matters of a kind referred to in section 90(3) (j) of the Act.




1.       Having taken into account the relevant consideration contained in section 90(3) (m) and section 90(2) & (7) of the Local Government Act 1999 (SA), this meeting of the City Planning, Development and Business Affairs Committee dated 5 March 2024 resolves that it is necessary and appropriate to act in a meeting closed to the public as the consideration of Item 10.2 [Future Living Code Amendment] listed on the Agenda in a meeting open to the public would on balance be contrary to the public interest.

Grounds and Basis

This Item is confidential as it contains information and links to draft Code Amendment documents provided by Planning and Land Use Services in confidence.

The disclosure of information in this report could reasonably breach confidentiality of information provided to Council by the State Government through Planning and Land Use Services prior to the commencement of a Code Amendment.

Public Interest

The Council is satisfied that the principle that the meeting be conducted in a place open to the public has been outweighed in the circumstances because the disclosure of this information will result in release of information that has been provided to Council in confidence from the State Government through Planning and Land Use Services.

2.       Pursuant to section 90(2) of the Local Government Act 1999 (SA) (the Act), this meeting of the City Planning, Development and Business Affairs Committee dated 5 March 2024 orders that the public (with the exception of members of Corporation staff and any person permitted to remain) be excluded from this meeting to enable this meeting to receive, discuss or consider in confidence Item 10.2 [Future Living Code Amendment] listed in the Agenda, on the grounds that such item of business, contains information and matters of a kind referred to in section 90(3) (m) of the Act.




1.       Having taken into account the relevant consideration contained in section 90(3) (m) and section 90(2) & (7) of the Local Government Act 1999 (SA), this meeting of the City Planning, Development and Business Affairs Committee dated 5 March 2024 resolves that it is necessary and appropriate to act in a meeting closed to the public as the consideration of Item 10.3 [Code Amendment - Adult Entertainment and Adult Products and Services Premises] listed on the Agenda in a meeting open to the public would on balance be contrary to the public interest.

Grounds and Basis

This Item is confidential as it contains information regarding the draft Code Amendment that is not appropriate to be made public prior to the commencement of public engagement, particularly due to the potentially sensitive nature of the draft Code Amendment

The disclosure of information in this report could reasonably breach confidentiality of information prior to public engagement of the draft Code Amendment.

Public Interest

           The Committeeis satisfied that the principle that the meeting be conducted in a place open to the public has been outweighed in the circumstances because the disclosure of this information will release the draft Code Amendment prior to Council endorsement of the policy approach and public engagement plan. 

2.       Pursuant to section 90(2) of the Local Government Act 1999 (SA) (the Act), this meeting of the City Planning, Development and Business Affairs Committee dated 5 March 2024 orders that the public (with the exception of members of Corporation staff and any person permitted to remain) be excluded from this meeting to enable this meeting to receive, discuss or consider in confidence Item 10.3 [Code Amendment - Adult Entertainment and Adult Products and Services Premises] listed in the Agenda, on the grounds that such item of business, contains information and matters of a kind referred to in section 90(3) (m) of the Act.